សមាជិក: 1 នាក់ | អ្នកតាមដាន: 1 នាក់
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The program’s purpose-level goal is to develop child friendly school models that are truly excellent across several dimensions including educational quality, inclusiveness, and local stakeholder (i.e., parents, community, and local government) engagement with the aim of ensuring smooth transition from community pre-schools to primary schools. Project Objective 1: Access to education (especially for girls and vulnerable children) improves in target locations; Project Objective 2: School effectiveness (i.e. quality of education) improves through the development and practice of Child Friendly School approaches in and out of the classroom in a way that is relevant to needs of vulnerable children, especially girls; Project Objective 3: Children’s reading abilities improve from a baseline in the early grades (Grades 1-3); Project Objective 4: The management capacity of local partners to administer development assistance increases in a way that enhances educational access and quality as well as community outreach.