សមាជិក: 1 នាក់ | អ្នកតាមដាន: 1 នាក់
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Second Upper Secondary Education Sector Development Program. The program was approved by ADB on 28 September 2018 for $50 million equivalent. It comprises $15 million policy-based loan (Loan 3719), which was closed on 30 June 2019, and $35 million equivalent project loan (Loan 3720). Loan agreements were signed on 24 October 2018, and the project loan was declared effective on 26 December 2018. The project is complemented by $3.5 million equivalent from the government. The Loan 3720-CAM closing date will be on 30 June 2025. The expected impact of the program is high-quality human resources developed. The outcome is an improved effectiveness of the upper secondary education (USE) system by 2025. The project is expected to achieve the outcome through three outputs: (i) Output 1: Improved quality of teachers in upper secondary schools, (ii) Output 2: Improved quality and relevance of labor market of USE, and (iii) Output 3: Strengthened institutional capacity for planning, management, and delivery of education.